** Written in English or registered in Nation Research Foundation of Korea |
2024      1. Investigating the applicability and assumptions of the regression relationship between                  flow discharge and nitrogen concentrations for load estimation                  (SCIE) Heliyon 10, e23603      2. Development and application of a QGIS-based module to build inputs for SWMM                  using the geographic information system data of a submerged paddy field area                  Journal of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences 36(1), 12-22      3. Comparative analysis of wavelet transform and machine learning approaches                  for noise reduction in water level data                  Journal of Korea Water Resources Association 57(3), 209-223      4. Direct runoff reduction analysis and application feasibility evaluation of                  vegetation-type facilities                  Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning 30(2), 69-77      5. Revision demand and direction of national policy for soil erosion survey                  Journal of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences 36(4), 422-432 2023      1. Evaluation of the effect of bank protection concrete blocks                  on water quality and soil environmental impact                  Journal of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers 65(1), 51-59      2. A study to evaluate impervious area ratio by geographic information data                  Journal of the Korean Society on Water Environment 39(2), 142-152      3. A study to evaluate and remedy Universal Soil Loss Equation application for                  watersheds and development projects                  Journal of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers 65(3), 29-42      4. Enhanced hydrological simulations in paddy-dominated watersheds using                  the hourly SWAT-MODFLOW-PADDY modeling approach                  (SCIE) Sustainability 15, 9106      5. Modification and application of SWAT model to simulate a submerged rice paddy field                  (SCIE) Paddy and Water Environment 2022      1. Development and application of a QGIS-based model to estimate monthly streamflow                  (SCIE) International Journal of Geo-Information 11, 40      2. Developing and applying a QGIS-based model that accounts for                  nonpoint source pollution due to domestic animals                  (SCIE) WATER 14, 2742 2021      1. A study to suggest monthly baseflow estimation approach for the Long-Term Hydrologic                  Impact Analysis Models: A case study in South Korea                  (SCIE) WATER 13(15), 2043 2020      1. A user-friendly software package to develop Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) inputs                  and suggest low impact development scenarios                  (SCIE) WATER 12(9), 2344      2. Monthly sediment yield estimation based on watershed-scale application                  of ArcSATEEC with correction factor                  Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment 25(3), 1-13      3. Review of features and applications of watershed-scale modeling,                  and improvement strategies of it in South-Korea                  Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment 36(6), 592-610 2019      1. Application of KORSLE to estimate soil erosion at field scale                  Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment 24(5), 31-41      2. A studyto determine the slope length and steepness factor of Universal Soil Loss Equation                  with determining and adapting major slope length at field scale                  Journal of Korean Society of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers 61(6), 55-65 2018      1. Design of vegetative filter strip using web-based system with groundwater table                  and pesticide degradation analysis modules                  (SCIE) Journal of Hydrological Engineering 23(2), 04017061-1-10      2. Development of soil moisture data assimilation scheme for predicting effective                  soil characteristics using remotely sensed data                  Journal of Korean Society of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers 60(1), 21-30      3. A study to define USLE P factor from field survey in the Four Major Watersheds                  Journal of Korean Society of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers 60(2), 37-44      4. Evaluation of regression models of LOADEST and Eight-Parameter Model                  for nitrogen load estimations                  (SCI) Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 229(5), 179, DOI: 10.1007/s11270-018-3844-8      5. Improvement and application of the ArcGIS-based model to estimate direct runoff                  Journal of Korean Society of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers 60(6), 63-69      6. A study to determine the rainfall erosivity factor of the Universal Soil Loss Equation using recent rainfall data                  Journal of Korean Society of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers 60(6), 13-20 2017      1. Development of ArcGIS-based model to estimate monthly potential soil loss                  Journal of Korean Society of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers 59(1), 21-30      2. Study of selection regression equation for flow-conditions                  using Machine-learning method: focusing on Nakdonggang waterbody                  Journal of Korean Society of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers 59(4), 97-107      3. Temporal variations in baseflow for the Little River experimental watershed                  in South Georgia, USA                  Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 10, 110-121      4. Application of ArcGIS-based model developed to estimate monthly potential soil loss                  Journal of Korean Society of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers 59(5), 109-126      5. Characteristics of soil moiture distributions at the spatio-temporal scales based                  on the land surface features using MODIS images                  Journal of Korean Society of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers 59(6), 29-37      6. A study to define area of concern for potential soil loss in Geumgang watershed                  by KORSLE-based GIS model                  Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment 22(6), 29-36      7. Development and application of a physics-based soil erosion model                  Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment 22(6), 66-73      8. Establishing policies towards integrated management of soil pollution and damage                  Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment 22(6), 85-93      9. Estimating of greenhouse gas mitigation and function of water resources conservation                  through conservation of surface soils erosion and policy suggestion                  Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment 22(6), 74-84 2016      1. Evaluation of modeling approach for suspended sediment yield reduction                  by surface cover material using rice straw at upland field                  Journal of Korean Society on Water Quality Environment 32(1), 108-114      2. Application of Web ERosivity Module (WERM) for estimation of annual and                  monthly R factor in Korea                  (SCI) CATENA 147, 225-237      3. Identifying the correlation between water quality data and                  LOADEST model behavior in annual sediment load estimations                  (SCI-E) WATER 8, 368-381      4. Application of surface cover materials for reduction of NPS                  pollution on field-scale experimental plots                  (SCI-E) Irrigation and Drainage, DOI: 10.1002/ird.2067      5. A study to develop monthly cover management factor database for monthly soil loss estimation                  Journal of of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers 58(6), 23-30. 2015      1. A web tool for STORET/WQX water quality data retrieval                  and Best Management Practice scenario suggestion                  (SCI) Journal of Environmental Management 150, 2015, 21-27      2. Assessment of soil loss in South Korea based on land-cover type                  (SCI-E) Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, DOI 10.1007/s00477-015-1027-3      3. Effect of straw mulch on runoff and NPS pollution reduction                  from experimental plots under a climate change scenario in Korea                  (SCI) Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering      4. Evaluation of regression models in LOADEST                  to estimate suspended solid load in Hangang watershed                  Journal of of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers 57(2), 37-45.      5. A web-based tool to estimate pollutant loading using LOADEST                  (SCI-E) WATER 7: 4858-4868.      6. Analysis of rainfall-runoff characteristics on bias correction method of climate change scenarios                  Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment 31(3), 241-252      7. Simulation of the GHG emissions impact on climate change from radish field                  Journal of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers 57(4), 101-112.      8. Analysis for regression model behavior by sampling strategy for annual pollutant load estimation                  (SCI) Journal of Environmental Quality. doi:10.2134/jeq2015.03.0137.      9. Modification of sediment trapping efficiency equation of VFS in SWAT                  considering the characteristics of the agricultural land in Korea                  Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment 31(5), 482-490      10. Modeling of Best Management Practices in Agricultural Areas                  Agroecology, ISBN 978-953-51-2130-5, edited by Vytautas Pilipavicius                  INTECH, Open Access Publisher of Scientific Books and Journals 2014      1. A Web-based Model to Estimate the Impact of Best Management Practices                  (SCI-E) Water 6, 455-471      2. A web-based tool to interpolate nitrogen loading using a genetic algorithm                  (SCI-E) Water 6, 2770-2781      3. Assessing the effect of watershed slopes on recharge/baseflow and soil erosion                  (SCI-E) Paddy and Water Environment, DOI 10.1007/s10333-014-0448-9      4. Use of pollutant load regression models with various sampling frequencies for annual load estimation                  (SCI-E) Water 6, 1685-1697      5. Analysis of effects on soil erosion reduction of various best management practice                  at watershed scale                  Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment 30(6), 638-646      6. Estimation and assessment of baseflow at an ungauged watershed                  according to landuse change                  Journal of Wetland Research 16(4), 303-318      7. Analysis of spatiotemporal changes in groundwater recharge and                  baseflow using SWAT and BFlow models                  Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment 30(5), 549-558      8. Simulation of the best management practice impacts                  on nonpoint source pollutant reduction in agricultural area using STEPL WEB model                  Journal of the Korean Socitey of Agricultural Engineers 56(5), 21-27      9. Analysis of baseflow contribution to streamflow at several flow stations                  Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment 30(4), 441-451      10. Assessment of future climate change impact on groundwater recharge,                  baseflow and sediment in steep sloping watershed                  Journal of Wetland Research 16(2), 173-185      11. Analysis of temporal change in soil erosion potential                  at Haean-myeon watershed due to climate change                  Korean Society of Soil Science and Fertilizer 47(2), 71-79      12. Optimization of vegetative filter strip using VFSMOD-w model and genetic-algorithm                  Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment 30(2), 159-165      13. Application and effectiveness analysis of SWAT filter strip in Golju watershed                  Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture 33(1), 30-36      14. Estimation of pollutant load using genetic-algorithm and regression model                  Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture 33(1), 37-43      15. Enhancement of land load estimation method in TMDLs                  for considering of climate change secnarios                  Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment 30(2), 212-219      16. Assessment of the effects of urbanization on the watershed streamflow                  Journal of the Korean Socitey of Agricultural Engineers 56(1), 51-59 2013      1. Evaluation of SWAT sub-daily Runoff Estimation at Small Agricultural Watershed in Korea                  (SCI) Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 109-119      2. Development of Web GIS-based VFSMOD System           with Three Modules for Effective Vegetative Fileter Strip Design                  (SCIE) Water 5, 1194-1210 2012      1. Development of Web-based Load Duration Curve system for analysis of total              maximum daily load and water quality characteristics in a waterbody                  (SCI) Journal of Environmental Management, 46-55 2011      1. Hydrologic Response Unit Routing in SWAT to Simulate Effects          of Vegetated Filter Strip for South-Korean Conditions Based on VFSMOD                  Water 3, 819-842      2. SATEEC GIS System for Spatiotemporal Analysis of Soil Erosion and Sediment Yield                  Soil Erosion Studies, ISBN 978-953-307-710-9, edited by Danilo Godone and Silvia Stanchi                  INTECH, Open Access Publisher of Scientific Books and Journals 2010      1. Development of new R, C and SDR modules for the SATEEC GIS system                  (SCI) Computers & Geosciences 36(6), 726-734      2. Development of genetic algorithm-based optimization module              in WHAT system forhydrographanalysisandmodelapplication                  (SCI) Computers & Geosciences 36(7), 936-944      3. Estimation of Soil Erosion using SATEEC and USPED              and Determination of Soil Erosion Hot Spot Watershed                  Journal of Korean Society on Water Quality 26(3), 497-506      4. Development and Application of Integrated System with SATEEC,              nLS and USPED for Gully Erosion Evaluation                  Journal of Korean Society on Water Quality 26(4), 637-647      5. Development of the SWAT DWDM for Accurate Estimation of Soil Erosion from an Agricultural field                  Journal of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers 52(1), 79-88      6. Analysis of Soil Erosion Reduction Effect of Rice Straw Mat by the SWAT Model                  Journal of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers 52(3), 97-104      7. Evaluation of SATEEC Daily R Module using Daily Rainfall                  Journal of Korean Society on Water Quality 26(5), 841-849 2009      * Thesis for the Degree of Master (Feb. 2009)          Development of Web GIS-based VFSMOD System          to Simulate Sediment Reduction Efficiency with Vegetative Filter Strip      1. Development of SWAT SD-HRU Pre-processor Module for Accurate Estimation              of Slope and Slope Length of Each HRU Considering Spatial Topographic Characteristics in SWAT                  Journal of Korean Society on Water Quality 25(3), 351-362      2. Evaluation of Sediment Yield Prediction and Estimation of Sediment Yield              under Various Slope Scenarios at Jawoon-ri using WEPP Watershed Model                  Journal of Korean Society on Water Quality 25(3), 441-451      3. Development and Application of SATEEC L Module for Slope Length Adjustment              Based on Topography Change                  Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture 28(2), 113-124      4. Development of a SWAT patch for better estimation of sediment yield              in step sloping watersheds                  (SCI) The American Water Resources Association 45(4), 963-972 2008      1. Comparison of Soil Loss Estimation using SWAT and SATEEC                  Journal of Korean Society of Agricultural Engineering, JAN. 2008, pp.3-12 (2008)      2. Evaluation of Effects on SWAT Simulated Hydrology and Sediment Behavior              of SWAT Watershed Delineation using SWAT ArcView GIS Extension Patch                  Journal of Korean Society on Water Quality 24(2), 147-155      3. Improvement of Sediment Trapping Efficiency Module in SWAT using VFSMOD-W Model                  Journal of Korean Society on Water Quality 24(4), 473-479      4. Development and Evaluation of SWAT Topographic Feature Extraction Error              (STOPEE) Fix Module from Low Resolution DEM                  Journal of Korean Society on Water Quality 24(4), 488-498      5. Evaluation of SWMM Snow-melt Module to Secure Bi-Modal Tram Operation                  Journal of Korean Society for Railway 11(5), 1-8      6. Analysis of Runoff Reduction with LID Adoption using the SWMM                  Journal of Korean Society on Water Quality 24(6), 805-815 2007      1. Evaluation of SWAT Applicability to Simulation Sediment Behaviors at the Imha-Dam watershed                  Journal of Korean Society on Water Quality 23(4), 467-473      2. Evaluation of L-THIA WWW Direct Runoff Estimation with AMC Adjustment                  Journal of Korean Society on Water Quality 23(4), 474-481      3. Analysis of soil Erosion and Sediment Yields at the Doam-dam Watershed considering Soil Properties              from the soil Reconditional Agricultural Fields using SATEEC system                  Journal of Korean Society on Water Quality 23(4), 518-526      4. Analysis of Sediment Yields at Watershed Scale using Area/Slope-Based Sediment Delivery Ratio in SATEEC                  Journal of Korean Society on Water Quality, 23(5), 650-658      5. The Effect of Slope-based Curve Number Adjustment on Direct Runoff Estimation by L-THIA                  Journal of Korean Society on Water Quality 23(6), 897-905 |